This  Recipe is a delicious twist on a traditional Italian evening meal that is easy to prepare and full of flavour. Once the chicken is seasoned with a simple mixture of olive oil and garlic, toss it with pre-cooked pasta, tomatoes, and fresh basil. Chicken and pasta are served with a delicious sauce that is produced when blending the taste of garlic, tomato and basil. This sauce is the perfect companion to chicken.

This recipe is a great way to put leftovers to good use. You can choose to serve it as is or add freshly grated Parmesan cheese on top before serving. If you are preparing dishes for a large number of people, you can easily multiply the recipe ingredients by two or three. Complete your dinner by serving it with a side green salad and crispy bread. You and your loved ones will really love this traditional Italian dinner that you cook.

*Ingredients list:

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