*Ingredients and Methods:

°Grab a spoon because this classic dessert recipe belongs on every table, especially party tables!
°1 Fat-Free Instant Pistachio Pudding Mix, 3.9 oz
°Two cups of skim milk
° a cup of low-fat whipped cream
°8 ounces crushed pineapple, drained
° One 10-ounce package of mini marshmallows
° 1 / 4-1 / 2 cup toasted sweetened coconut
° In a medium bowl, mix the pudding mixture and milk.

Beat 2 minutes.
Add the pineapple, marshmallows and coconut.
Mixing well, cover and refrigerate to ready to serve.
When ready to serve, spoon the whoops into serving dishes and garnish with the toasted coconut.

Enjoy !

Calories 312 kcal  Carbs: 68 Soleil  Protein: 4 4Soleil Le  Wholesale: 3Soleil Le  Saturated Fat: Two Sun Lu  Cholesterol: 9 9 mg  Sodium: 200 mg  Potassium: 201 mg  Sugar: 53 Sully Low  Vitamin A: 255UI Le  Vitamin C: 3.5 mg L.I.  Calcium: 116 mg  Iron: 0.3 mg