Let the pets roam
If you have a cat or dog, their paths in your yard will leave hair and urine which will have a reptile repelling effect.

Invest in an ultrasound machine
Snakes do not have good eyesight, but a machine that makes certain sounds can scare them away with vibrations that send them back to the ground and into the air.

Sprinkle with sulfur
If you know where snakes usually reside in your garden or if you want to take preventative measures, sprinkle sulfur powder throughout the garden and around the house.

What smell repels snakes?
Garlic and onions
You can soak a few cloves of garlic or an onion in hot water and then put the mixture in a spray bottle to spray in snake-infested areas.

Cinnamon and cloves
You can mix essential oil of cinnamon or cloves (between 10 and 20 drops per quart of water) and then spray the mixture in all corners. The surgery is repeated several times over a few days.

Cultivation of hellebore beans and street beans
Hellebores (also called snake rose or griffin's foot), is a herbaceous evergreen plant that blooms between January and April.

You can also install a plant called stinking rue (also called garden plant, stinky plant or even rue officinalis - Ruta jebrolens), with evergreen leaves of green color with blue reflections, and flowers with 4 petals: it can also drive them away. who smells like it

However, these two plants must be handled with gloves due to their toxicity, and therefore should not be planted if children or pets are brought to walk near it.

Put the mothballs
The smell of mothballs will keep them away for several weeks. However, this product is not recommended if you have children and pets as it is toxic.