Baking soda is Only of the most common ingredients we employ in our kitchen, and it also has a range of utilizes. It is a wonderful and well-known health property and the evidence for its effectiveness is clear.

In this article we sit down for you on the right way to use baking soda to get rid of fat. Baking soda works by eliminating alkaloids and a digestive compound that can help strip stomach, back, arm, and thigh fat.

Its uses for health, it can help in slimming and reduce excess fat, and today we are going to talk to you about 3 recipes with baking soda about losing weight.

1- Baking soda and lemon recipe:

* Ingredients:

° Lemon juice.

° 1 tsp baking soda

° 1/3 cup water.

* How to prepare and use :

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